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Breathe just breathe, It'll all be worth it in the long run. |
Yesterday was a roller coaster and even with a day like yesterday I still haven't let myself get down. We had quite a little scare yesterday with our baby boy.
On Wednesday afternoon I took a small fall. I was at the door with my sisters Australian Shepard (Cinnamon) on leash in one hand, holding her Pomeranian (Cicely) puppy , and holding a bag of items to return at the mall for her wedding. As soon as I opened the door my Siberian Husky (Thor) bolted.
In the process, he tripped me. With me being so clumsy and off balance with this giant soccer ball underneath my shirt, I fell with my back against the doorway and continued down to the ground. I didn't land on my stomach so I didn't think anything of it. My back has been hurting so that's all I thought it was.
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This is the little devil himself. Isn't he adorable? |
Well, hours later the cramping started. I just came home and slept it off the rest of the evening. The next morning they were still there, so the google search began. I tried stretching, laying in different positions, a warm bath, drinking more water, and increasing my potassium intake (it's a good thing I like bananas). Nothing worked. As the day went on the cramps increased so I decided that when I go and pick my husband up from work we would go straight to the ER.
I'm not really a fan of Florida Hospital DeLand but since Florida Hospital Fish Memorial doesn't have a maternity ward and I didn't feel like driving to Daytona, I had no choice. We walked in, registered, got the annoying arm band, and was admitted to labor & delivery. The person registering us asked me if I could walk, I said yes. Well, she gave me directions on how to get up to labor & delivery and I WALKED MYSELF UP TO THE THIRD FLOOR! I was not a happy camper!
They put the baby heart monitor on Baby Granados and the contraction monitor on me. Hunter didn't like the heart monitor one bit. He would move away from it and then the annoying beeping would start. He hated that even more. He was punching and kicking and doing straight up karate. Jordan was even able to see the punches on my stomach! The nurse decided that he was healthy so I could have to monitor taken off since we couldn't track the cramping real well because of how active he was. As soon as he had the monitor off of him, he settled down.
After we got Hunter to settle down, now the mission began to figure out what was going on with mommy. I was having some abnormalities on the monitor so now they were determining whether they were contractions, ligament stretching which is causing the cramping, or I may have just strained a ligament in the fall. CONTRACTIONS!! Not Braxton Hicks contractions like I have been having but real contractions. Apparently, I have been having contractions on and off for 24 hours. Yikes!! Way to scare a momma!!
They wanted to monitor me a little longer. The nurse checked my cervix and it was closed. The pre-term labor swab came back negative so there is a 99% chance I won't be going into active pre-term labor within the next two weeks. After an hour or so of monitoring and blood pressure dropping it turns out I was having contractions,
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Still with the caulk on his hands, straight from work. |
Long story short, I received some medicine to stop the contractions. That medicine absolutely sucks! The needle is bad but that medicine burns going into your system. We were able to get the contractions to stop and were discharged.
I am now unable to go to the Ft. Myers show this weekend with my family but that's fine because I'm on strict orders to rest. They didn't classify it as bed rest but I'm going to be laying around the house all weekend to let my body recover and heal. False labor and some strained ligaments are no fun.
Thank you to everyone who kept my little family in your prayers.
I was put on bed rest for three days. I can't even believe how we are having these scary experiences. No one tells you these things. Why does no one tell you?