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Hunter Grayson Granados Due 09-12-2013 Be proud of your bump! |
Clothing: While I haven't added anything new to my wardrobe, I have out grown my first pair of maternity pants. They were these awesome capri's that but my belly has officially outgrown them. I didn't even think that was possible. With my sister's wedding next weekend I had to find a matron of honor dress that would fit me at 26 weeks (Thank you Kohl's) and it was delivered this week. It's super cute and I can even wear it again throughout the pregnancy! I also had to find a dress for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Why so may outfits!! Well, I was able to still fit into my purple dress that I wore to Heather & Trevor's wedding (November 2011). I'm pretty sure I was doing a happy dance!
Stretch Marks: Not yet and trying to keep it that way. Still using my Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula For Stretch Marks Lotion at least twice a day. You can find it at Walmart for around $5. One of my pregnant friends was referred to try Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Tummy Butter and I'm going to try to pick that up today since it has a lavender scent so I'm going to use it at night before bed.
Sleep: I'm still not getting as much sleep as I should. With being on bed rest the majority of the week I've been getting a nap here or there. I'm just hoping the braxton hicks ease up at night so I can rest.
Best Moment This Week: I believe it was Tuesday night. Jordan was trying to get hunter to move since he is no able to see the movement. He talks to my belly and was poking it and he said kick me and wouldn't you know, Hunter kicked me the hardest he has ever kicked. We both laughed about how Hunter was trying to say stop annoying me Dad!
Labor Signs: Ehh. You know just the two hospital trips, the practically week long bed rest, contractions for 5 days straight, and the occasional braxton hicks now. I wouldn't say to much out of the ordinary... (sarcasm, pure sarcasm)
Belly Button In Or Out: I'm still rocking my inny!
Miss Anything? Sleep.
Movement: He is moving all the freaking time now. Since my placenta is anterior he kicks super low, and when I mean low, I mean low (if you catch my drift). He loves to kick the bladder and lately he loves to kick me basically in the cha cha. You can now see it when he kicks or shifts, which is pretty awesome but definitely creepy too.
Food Cravings: Frozen pancakes! I am just loving those at the moment especially Odom's Sausage & Maple Pancake snack size sandwiches. It's like pure heaven from the first bite to the last.
Swelling: None this week or at the moment! I guess because I've been on bed rest most of the week.
Symptoms: See Labor Sign. I'm having the occasional braxton hicks, horrible back pain, muscle stretching, etc. It has been a rather painful week.
Moods: With all that has been going on I haven't had to many mood swings. I've mostly been worrying about keeping little Hunter in as long as I can.
Looking Forward To: The pain to stop. I know not all the pain will stop until he gets her but really, can it ease up just a little bit, please! WE ARE PICKING UP THE CRIB AND NEW DRESSER/CHANGING TABLE ON SUNDAY! We got an amazing deal and both items are brand new, never been used! This weekend is insane with what's going on so it is sad I'm also looking forward to Monday? My sister's lingerie shower is Saturday as well as her best friend's graduation party and she graduates high school on Sunday! Busy, busy, busy!
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Beautiful moma!! You look darling and the term glowing?... totally you!! Keep enjoying every moment!