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Hunter Grayson Granados Due September 12, 2013 We Just Entered The Third And Final Trimester |
How Far Along? 27 Weeks & 3rd Trimester
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15 Inches (That's A Long Cucumber) |
Baby Size: This week marks a huge milestone! Up until 27 weeks you measure the baby from the top of the head to his bum. Now we are measuring little Hunter from the head to his little tiny toes. Cucumber est. 15 inches & 2.2 pounds (according to What To Expect iPhone app)
What Is The Doctor Saying? Yesterday, I had my first ultrasound since moving to Florida and the first one since I was 19 weeks along. Two long months of waiting to see my handsome son was just killing me. While it was the first time that I've been to an ultrasound and Jordan wasn't able to come my parents were able to be there. There was a student that was shadowing the ultrasound tech so we had the most detailed ultrasound ever. We were able to see Hunter's brain and the tech showed us the different parts of his brain and even the cerebellum. Everything looked
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My 2 pound 3 ounce baby boy |
My ovarian cyst is still there. It was measuring in at 8.5 centimeters. The ovarian cyst was first detected at my 6 week 5 day ultrasound and measured at 8.7 centimeters. While it has gotten smaller, they say it's not going anywhere. I was being monitored every 3-4 weeks at my OB/GYN in North Carolina and will continue to do the same down here. The doctor is also planning to do a 6 week postpartum ultrasound to monitor the cyst and see where we are with scheduling surgery. My next ultrasound is scheduled for July 10th at 7am and I'm hoping my husband will be able to go into work late so he will be able to come with me.
Clothing: I think that I've passed the cute pregnancy phase. I'm starting to outgrow some of my maternity jeans and one maternity shirt. While I'm still in a medium it's still sad to outgrow some maternity clothes. I love wearing some dresses but some shirts and dresses just make me feel like a whale which is why I prefer to wear tighter shirts.
Stretch Marks: Keeping them away week by week! I've made it two trimesters with no stretch marks! I believe that is quite the accomplishment! I still swear by Palmer's Cocoa Butter Massage Lotion For Stretch Marks and Tummy Butter!
Best Moment This Week: WE HAVE A CRIB! We were suppose to pick up a crib and dresser/changing table but the seller decided not to sell it anymore.
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Red Fish, Blue Fish, Old Fish, New Fish |
Belly Button In Or Out: Still an outie but it's so much fun to pop it out and gross out my husband! I do hope it does pop eventually!
What Do You Love? I'm starting to love my pregnancy boobs. I mean I can barely tell I'm not wearing a bra when I'm wearing a sports bra.
Movement: He's getting more and more active. I've been able to see him still his little foot out and move my stomach. It's still odd to watch my stomach roll when he is really active. I've tried to catch it on video but as soon as I hit record he stops. That little booger.
Food Cravings: Thank You Roo Cup! I have been obsessed with coke slushies from kangaroo gas stations. Right now you can purchase a roo cup and have $0.25 refills. I kept drinking Jordan's so he eventually got me my own!
Swelling: I only swell in my ankles when I'm on my feet way to long! Today I went grocery shopping and I'm having my first case of cankles.
Looking Forward To: We have finally set the date (well the weekend) for our Florida baby shower! Let the planning begin!
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