Do you ever have those moments where you just shake your head at? During my wedding there were numerous moments that I was freaking out about but looking back all I can do is laugh. With six bridesmaid, six (five on the day of the wedding) groomsmen, and two flower girls; I knew there would be some moments. My pregnancy brain doesn't help any either. I hope these moments give you a little chuckle wherever you are reading this to help you getting over the mid week hump!

-One of the groomsmen got the stomach flu the day of the wedding and had to stay home.
-I ended up doing all of the bridesmaids and flower girls hair. We were running out of time and they were very tender headed. I didn't care. *insert evil laugh here*

-45 minutes before the wedding we discover that three groomsmen had bought the wrong color tie.
-I forgot to put my blusher on before going down the aisle. I didn't even realize it until I got all the way down and saw my sister and we both started laughing.
-I tripped going up onto the stage.
-During my vows the pastor called Jordan a "her" three times due to a typo on his papers. We didn't catch it until watching the video.
-Our best man and maid of honor couldn't hold their laughter for anything.
-My husband and some of the wedding party had the bright idea to go bowling the night before the wedding. Jordan's finger swelled up and we couldn't get his ring on so we just got it on as far as we could and during the prayer he had to spit on it to get it all the way on.
-I about fainted during pictures because my child was on my sciatic nerve.
-My flower girls tossed the flowers on the way out of the church
-My cousin Sarah was so cute requesting songs for me from the DJ at the reception but for some reason when Miley Cyrus' Party in the USA came over the speakers the dance floor emptied like their was a plague.
-We had bought toasting glasses for the wedding party but we didn't know they were for display only until we discovered the holes in the bottom.
-I have a problem with taking compliments and for some reason I find anything and everything to say instead of just thank you. Heather came up to me at church and told me that my hair looked good and instead of just saying thank you I blurted out, "I haven't washed my hair in two days." Let's just say it was a rough morning with the pregnancy.
-I walked into work last week and this girl practically yells, "You look massively pregnant today!" I didn't even know how to respond to that.
-The same girl the next day again practically yells when I walk in, "Your boobs are massive today!" Again, I was speechless.
-Just the other day I was riding in the car with Jordan and my dad on the way to dinner when my filter came off. They were talking about a totally random topic when I blurted out, "I haven't peed all day." I honestly can't stop myself sometimes.
-My husband and I were on the way back from our honeymoon when it just started raining cats and dogs out of no where and then just stopped. I had just checked the radar about 5 minutes before and there wasn't any rain clouds so I re check it. I zoomed in like 5 times to find the tiniest rain cloud I have ever seen. It couldn't have been more than 500ft. We as a couple did the only thing that came to our mind; we named him and made up a whole story for him. Cloudis got left behind by all the other clouds because he was moving too slow. All the other clouds were in the desert and cloudis was still stuck in Georgia. We did voices and everything. Definitely one of our favorite honeymoon moments.